Sunday 29 September 2013


Skin is the largest organ in human body. So it needs to be cared for the most. I have seen many people just grabbing the latest beauty product and using without knowing or having any detailed information about it.

 People give excuses like they like the packaging of a particular product or they just want to try it and find out whether it works for them or not  and so on.

HELLO!!!! this is your SKIN!! for heaven's sake...treat it with utmost care and concern. Whatever you are applying on your skin it does leave an impact. People don't realise that a product doesn't show its effects outwardly that is on the surface of the skin only but it also many times shows effects from inside. So, one has to be careful as to what you are applying on your skin.

Now the question arises what should be my approach while choosing products for my skin?
and the answer is very simple- GO NATURAL!
I know we often crave for those glittery and shiny packaged face washes and creams etc. But trust me, to really treat your skin with utmost care and to actually pamper it you have to go the natural way.

We have so many natural alternatives to our everyday skin care routine that gives more benefits to our skin. I have shared here   how I make my own natural face wash that has worked wonders for me.

Also green veggies and fruits help a lot in improving skin texture and complexion.
I eat a bowl full of SPROUTS everyday!
SPROUTS not only benefit your skin but also your hair and nails.
They provide ample amount of protein to your body which helps in maintaining the youthful texture and glow.


During sprouting, minerals bind to protein in the seed, grain, nut, or bean, making them more useable in the body.  This is true of alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, and others than help us to balance our body chemistry for weight loss and better health.

There are 10 to 100 times more enzymes in germinated grains and beans than in raw fruits and vegetables. The benefits for the skin, such as vitamin C and the elimination of toxins from the body, rival any supplement pill – and save you money. Daily portions of sprouts regenerate the hair and may play a role in hair loss prevention. Sprouts also offer anti-ageing properties and help to maintain high energy levels.

so, you just discovered the magic potion for your SKIN!

Keep the beauty charm on!


Friday 27 September 2013


Many times people say " I don't like people who are two faced".

Why can't I be two-faced? I know it sounds a bit unacceptable but what is the reason for it to sound like this. Its the society and people we are surrounded by who make these platitudes of high and moral living and they keep feeding our brains with hollow morals and values.

Whenever people hear about being two faced they always treat this as a negative remark but hello! what is negative about it? nobody questions. Everybody just keeps following the said rules blindly.

As per my set of rules and beliefs I think being a two faced person is something very healthy and nobody on this planet can be transparent in front of everybody.
There are times when one has to be two faced be it for your personal life, your professional life, your secrets, your friends and family etc.

Nobody can be same around different sets of people. For example, you wouldn't watch an adult movie in the same spirit while watching with your parents as compared to watching the same movie with your friends. This doesn't mean hat you are a person with low morals and beliefs but this rather means that you are a very mature and sensible person who knows how to react to situations.

I think it becomes very important for everyone to have a second face/ life because if they don't then they end up not only complicating their lives but also losing their belongingness.

Often celebrities are referred as plastics, fake people, two faced people. Well, all these remarks are true but are not negative its we the people in the society that end up making all these remarks sound rude and judgemental.

Being called a fake/plastic like and two faced person is actually a very good thing.
This only prove that the person know how to conceal their personal life when it comes to professionalism.
They are fake because they don't discuss their personal lives but why should they?
Being in the media is their job but its not media's job to peep into their personal live.

They are plastics because they show their same cheese smiles to the cameras all dabbed up in makeup and looking picture perfect.
But isn't that 's what they are paid for? for looking absolutely flawless and stunning in front of cameras?

They are two faced because they have one face for their families and friends and other one for media and their fan following.
If both the faces become one then where will the difference between them being a celebrity and a normal person remain?

My whole point is that media tags celebrities with different jargons but with bad image. Though these jargons have good meanings their portrayal in front of public is very image tarnishing.

Being a two faced person not only flourishes your personal and professional lives but it also helps you in dealing with controversial air if that surrounds you ever.

So, never be ashamed of being called a two faced person. Instead, be proud of it!

Keep the charm of confidence on!


Thursday 26 September 2013


Ever wondered why angels and seductresses always GLOW?
There is a reason behind it and the reason is  Human mind always gets attracted to shining or bright or glamorous things.
Its human tendency to ignore what's plain Jane like.
but no matter what or how many times our mind is forced to recall the famous saying
                                                "All that glitters is not gold"

We still go behind that glitter because its what attracts us.

So, today I am going to share a post on how to make not only your face but your whole body glowing.

This is a tried and tested method (I have tried and tested it on me)

First and foremost rule of this therapy is:


by clean I mean here CLEAN!!!...No junkies, No saturated oils and No processed sugars.
Obviously you just cant stop eating all this all of a sudden but at least remind yourself that your stomach is not a DUSTBIN! so don't put trash in it.
Whatever you eat shows on your skin and body. Also, instead of having a diet coke or diet food have normal coke and normal food because diet foods add lots and lots of bad calories to your body because it is processed extra.


As they say simplicity is the key to healthy living and it actually is true. Eating raw food without cooking gives you 80% more nutrients and benefits which reduce to only 20% when the food is cooked.
So, eat raw tomatoes, peas, make brown bread vegetable sandwiches and have a happy and a healthy body.


Yes I am talking about WATER. When you wake up in the morning have two warm glasses of water and one glass of warm water containing - 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon honey and half lemon juice.
This detoxifying drink will pull out all toxins from your body and will give a flawless and glowing skin.
So, make this a compulsory task on your everyday to-do list.


Now most of us are in the habit of having bed tea as soon as we get up. This habit isn't wrong but what's wrong is TEA!
instead of taking dark tea have GREEN TEA as bed tea and you will see the difference in the amount of energy, metabolism and glow it delivers. Its definitely worth having.


I hope you use sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful UV rays. But do you use it only when you have to step out of your home?
If yes, then you are going on a totally wrong track. You must use sunscreen while your are at home too because the harmful light from your laptops, television, cell phones, tube lights, cfl, bulbs etc. makes your skin  dark and lifeless and adds age to it. So, if you cant give up on your favourite cream mix sunscreen with it and apply it. Trust me, its going to show a life transforming effect on your skin.


I know when we hear this word we are like I CANT GO TO THE GYM!!! but my question is WHO'S ASKING YOU TO?

you don't have to go to the gym to exercise. You can pick your everyday plan from the internet or you can dance on any favourite song of your choice. Start with one song and after a week keep adding one more to the list.
Exercising increases blood circulation in the body which brings a soft pink glow on the face and nice glow on the body too.
And who doesn't like a well toned and sexy body.
SO, with these six magic fundas you are definitely going to get blessed with a glowing skin.

And if you do try this.
Please reply to me and let me know whether it helped you or not!

till then.

keep the charm on and glow like a star


Sunday 22 September 2013



How have you been?
enjoying my posts???

I hope I am adding atleast a little bit charm to your everyday lives through my posts.
My priority always remains to educate people around my surroundings about knowledge that actually matters!

And according to me what really really matters in one's life the most is "THYSELF"...
So, therefore all my posts try adding up a charm in your life be it spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally or humourously!

Today my post is about something that we all have seen! googled at least once in our life! tried different remedies to prevent it and many are still struggling with it!!!...

Yes its none other than ACNE/ PIMPLES/BREAKOUTS.

I have conducted a thorough research on this devil and here I am going to explain why?  when? where? and how? 's about it.

* Why/When does our skin breakout?

The answer to this question is that our skin can breakout because of many reasons but I am listing out those reasons which are majorly responsible for skin breakouts: dirt, excessive secretion of oil from oil glands, wrong food habits, wrong cosmetics usage, unclean environment, environment not suiting your skin type, puberty.
One more reason for breakouts is Candida fungus. Its a fungus that feeds on dirt and infections. It is easily transferable via touch ( this is the reason you are asked not to touch a baby pimple or else it will become a father pimple).
*Where can the breakout occur?

Well, Breakouts can occur anywhere on your body where you have SKIN!
There is no rule that breakouts can occur only on face, back and chest. They enjoy the freedom to surprise you anywhere on your body.

*How can we treat breakouts?

I have seen a lot of blogs, websites , people giving these promising advice on treating acne but does that all work? maybe few of them do work and treat acne but do they all help in getting rid of breakouts completely?
I have tried all of those remedies given over the internet EACH AND EVERY ONE!
but sadly, none worked for me. That's the reason I conducted this thorough research on this devil.
Trust me, nobody would feel and know exactly how it is to go through a phase in your life where your face is filled up with acne/breakouts. The humiliation and embarrassment NOBODY can see themselves in your place.
SO, I decided to face all this on my own and ting ting here I am with a face wash
that I made myself and poof it was my little genie.
I still use it and today I have a flawless, glowing and fair skin.

Ingredients required to make it:

 1) Chickpea flour( improves complexion)

2) Baking soda (kills candida)

3) Turmeric ( improves complexion and brings glow)

4) Oats ( makes the skin smooth and clear)

5) Pink lentils ( removes wrinkles and reverses ageing) [ make a powder of pink lentils by grinding them in a mixer]


Add 4tbsp chickpea flour in a bowl to that add 2 tbsp. of baking soda. Then add 1 tbsp. of turmeric to the same mixture and 3 tbsp. of oats and 3 tbsp. of  powdered pink lentils.
Mix all these ingredients thoroughly.

Now put this powdered mixture in a bottle or box whatever suits you best.
Then you are done . You own your own genie face wash.

Usage Instructions:
Take little amount in your hand to that add few drops of water and make a thick paste. Now use this thick paste like your everyday face wash and see the magic after first use itself.

I hope you all try it. This has worked for me and trust me it will work for you too!

Keep smiling and flaunting the charm of your flawless skin!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

wait a MOMENT!...let me SHARE...

Everyday we go through popular social networking sites and now, it has become a routine in our everyday lives that a day without Facebook or twitter seems like we are in prison!

From morning to late night people are seen online through cell phones, pc's, tabs and so on...Nobody wants to cut off from this online networking even for a day. Young boys and girls are seen screwing up not only their sleeping hours but also their language.

But, my question is WHY?
WHY are we all following the herd?
WHY are we just blindly following this tradition of joining the social networking sites?
WHY do we want to express ourselves so much over the internet and not to the real people in our lives that matter to us?
WHY is all this happening?

the answer to all these questions may or may not be answered but here I am going to share a picture that says it all...
With this picture its definitely sure that the couple definitely wants to share the moment before actually experiencing it!!!
Both of them in spite of spending time together are so much affected and gathered up by the online world that it seems everybody on their friend list to comment on this picture is more important than their partner.

Nowadays, people are even sharing what colour they are wearing beneath their pants! EWWWW...(so GROSS!!!)

No doubt that all these social networking sites do offer a lot of knowledge to feed our brains but sharing everything on the social networks is that much important and relevant??

I mean I would always want to keep my personal life PERSONAL ..and wouldn't appreciate anybody commenting on the way I kiss...or the way I look while kissing (lol).

A new study conducted by market researcher Nielsen reveals that Americans are spending almost a quarter of their online time checking in with friends on social networking sites and blogs -- more than double the time they spend checking their emails.

In June 2010, the average American spent 22.7 per cent of their Internet time on social networks (up from 15.8 per cent in June 2009), 10.2 per cent of their time playing online games (up from 9.3 per cent this time last year) and just 8.3 per cent of their time checking and replying to emails (down almost 30 per cent year-on-year).

Today if somebody is unhappy about something they would rather be seen updating their status on Facebook stating their problem instead of going to someone close to them and sharing with them.

All this has led to severe depression in lives of many because they are not able to share their feelings with their close friends which leads to de stressing the body.

Nowadays, various applications have evolved that greet people over the internet on their  birthdays and other special days so the whole tradition of doing something for friends on their birthdays and giving them surprises is seen erasing itself from our lives.

We all can be present anywhere through Skype this has led to families not meeting for years. Earlier, it would be an obligation for parents to take their children to meet their grandparents at least once a year but thanks to social media that once a year meeting has also taken a toss because of internet.

The internet has made connection so easy that it’s taken for granted.

  Whereas Zuckerberg et al might idealise the strength of the virtual ties that bind us all together, the reality is that technology is gradually eroding away at the real value of what it means to actually connect with someone else.

so, with that all said I am going to check my todays picture on instagram for comments!

keep smiling and keep the charm on!


Thursday 12 September 2013

The Incredible Indian Festival- Ganesha Chaturthi


Today I am sharing what's happening at my house these days. Bappa morya or lord Ganpati has come to every household and people are dancing in joy and celebrating this beautiful festival named as "Ganesh Chaturthi".

What is Ganesh Chaturthi?

Ganesh Chaturthi is the Hindu festival celebrated on the birthday (rebirth) of Lord Ganesha, the son of Shiva and Parvati.
It is believed that Lord Ganesh bestows his presence on earth for all his devotees during this festival. It is the day when Ganesha was born. Ganesha is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune and traditionally invoked at the beginning of any new venture or at the start of travel. 

During this festival lord ganesha in the form of an idol is welcomed by every single household. 

It is upto them for what number of days they want lord ganesha's idol to stay minimum number of days being one and a half and maximum being eleven days.

During the stay of lord ganesha it is believed that whatever the family consumes it should be first offered to lord ganesha and then to the whole family as a prasad (blessing from lord Ganesh).

During the stay of lord Ganesh also known as Ganpati or Bappa morya all the family members come together to pray during the day and in the evening too.
This promotes togetherness and feeling of belongingness within the family.

This festival not only promotes togetherness but also symbolises eternal faith upon the power of god.
 On the last day, the idol of lord Ganesh is immersed in water and is asked to come again next year. This is known as "visarjan" of the idol. It is believed that only the idol goes the soul of Bappa stays within the household to protect the household from any trouble this is the reason lord Ganesh is also know as "vighna harta" meaning the one who take away all the troubles from you.

The whole idea of immersing the idol of lord Ganesh in water symbolises that just like our human body is mud without soul so is the idol. Therefore, The visarjan of only the idol is done and the soul of Bappa morya is believed to stay with the family.

With this, I would like to conclude this post with only one thing
                                                  "Ganapati Bappa morya
                                                   mangal murti morya"....

Also, don't forget to keep the charm of spirituality on!



Saturday 7 September 2013

7 efficient tips to crack that interview...

We all at some point in life we all have gone through this feeling of anxiety be it for checking our grades at the results board or for asking that famous question "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" and many more ......

This feeling hits everybody so its normal to feel anxious when facing a challenging situation, such as a job interview, a tough exam, or a blind date.

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger, an automatic alarm that goes off when you feel threatened, under pressure, or are facing a stressful situation.
In moderation, anxiety isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, anxiety can help you stay alert and focused, spur you to action, and motivate you to solve problems.

So, feel anxious and fly on cloud9 with that appointment letter in your hand. But the big question is HOW???? what extra or what charms are you supposed to use to make sure during the interview itself that you are definitely getting that appointment letter???? want to know? keep reading..

1)Answer questions directly

YES!!! no elaborate explanations if not asked. If your asked your name you are supposed to tell your name not your mother's and father's name. A lot of people while giving interview see it as a last opportunity to grab and therefore go over board trying to impress the interviewer and end up giving detailed answers which is so WRONG!!! the interviewer is judging your skills he/she is not taking your examination. So, please give to the point answers. Stick to the question and answer only what's asked.

2)Dress Appropriately

First impression is the last one. This is true. This is proved scientifically that human brain judges people first on the basis of their appearance. So, if you got to crack that interview make sure you are dressed appropriately but don't be over dressed or under dressed. Wear just the right dress universally preferable are formals. Go easy on the perfume or cologne. A strong scent can leave the type of lasting impression you are actively trying to avoid.

3) Advertise Yourself

Think or assume yourself as a product which you have to sell in the market. So advertise yourself attractively so that the buyer(interviewer) feels  the urge to get your services for his/her company.Apply the rules to selling yourself in the interview.

4)Be enthusiastic

Bring a positive attitude to the interview. No one likes someone who has a negative presence or someone who is timid and needs to be talked into the job. A smile and friendly demeanour go a long way in securing a job. Pass on that smile but don't smile too much that would make you look like a fool. To keep the conversation alive ask questions too. Yes, you too have the right to ask questions this will not only show your enthusiasm but will also reflect you confidence. So, go ahead and ask questions, did not understand the question? ask again.

5)Mind that Body- Language

Your body language plays a very important role in displaying your attitude as a person. You should always sit in a straight and confident posture so that there is no doubt being casted in terms of the honesty of what you claim. Do not ever try to fool the interviewee as he/she is much more intelligent and experienced than you are. Be what you really are and do not try to portray something else.

6) Avoid Verbal Blunders

Avoid verbal blunders that could cost you the job like : YEAH instead of YES, GONNA or WANNA instead of  GOING TO or WANT TO, AKSED instead of ASKED, AIN’T instead of ISN’T, DON’T instead of DOESN’T, HOW IS YOU instead of HOW ARE YOU, CV instead of RESUME, THANKS instead of THANKYOU, NOP instead of NO etc.

7)Be Patient 

 DO NOT pester to know the outcome of the interview, but ask, if they want to share any feedback with you. If you do not receive any reply within a couple of days, you can conclude that the result is not positive. If the employer is considering you even in the shortlist, they will keep you engaged.

With all that said in the end leave your charm by applying these charming tips on cracking that interview and grab that job. All the best.

Keep the charm on!


Thursday 5 September 2013

Boo Boo Beauty!

Today I was just going through random blogs on YouTube. There are really a lot of people blogging and really giving out their "guru gyan" about "BEAUTY" , like how to be beautiful, how to get flawless skin in 10 days, how to look drop dead gorgeous etc. etc.
I was so pissed off with all this that I decided to pour out my thoughts on my blog and express my views and know what you all feel or think about "BEAUTY".
Our society and the people around us make this whole concept of beauty so rude and tough that if a girl in her teens starts getting acne on her skin she becomes mentally so frustrated and pressurised that she will go to each and every possible extent to get rid of that acne.
My point is that why such pressure and tension????????????????
why have we all made this whole concept of beauty so rigid??????????  

why cant a girl with freckles and acne and plump frame be considered equally beautiful?????//
The whole notion of the much talked about perfect face shape being "oval" and the perfect figure shape being "hour-glass" and the seductive girl has "long locks" ...why all there restrictions and rigidity???
why cant all the face shapes be considered perfect??? and why cant all figure shapes be considered perfect???? and why cant girls with short hair be considered equally sexy and seductive??
We all have to question all theses pre-conceived notions because if we'll not then the future of human generation becomes so blank and dull.
In a recent survey girls of age 10 were seen dieting (Omg!!!!). 
Why cant we all live and let ithers live too????
Why so many restrictions??? Why so much pressure on small brains of lil the age of 10 children are suppossed to enjoy colours of life, live every moment to the fullest not diet! 
All these notions are leading to mob mentality and just like the famous Rhinoceros novel we all are being engulfed in the world full of rhinoceros where humanity is at risk.
so, all the young ladies and old ones too think before you buy that much famed product to enhance your complexion because its not a complexion enhancing cream but its something that is telling you that you need to enhance your complexion and making you uncomfortable in your own skin.

Keep the charm on!

Monday 2 September 2013

Hello people
how have you been??????????? I had a blast last week.....................(okay! NOT REALLY!!!) I was dealing with severe cold attack....:(( *sob*sob*
But, I am here again....
So, today I am going to share one of my life's experiences which taught me that "every experience in life happens for good, to make you a better and complete person". Everybody thinks , actually "believes" that they have worlds heaviest burden on their shoulders but this is not TRUE!!!....
This I realised when now I sit back and think about those troubles and hindrances which then seemed "BURDEN" but were nothing more than *silly minds COMPLICATIONS*.
So the story starts like this......
ha-ha!...don't worry I am not going to eat up your precious time so, here's the jest...
I was in my graduation college. Like every batch my batch also had two north and south pole groups i.e., two groups that could go to each and every extent to make the other group look or feel inferior and I was the *favourite* girl among both the groups( yayyyyy!!!)....No! the story isn't this sweet. Actually the whole trouble starts here itself...
till first and second year everything was fine but slowly both the groups started feeling jealous of me because of my good grades, good looks, good personality and yes I was teachers pet too and on top of that I was very active in extra curricular activities too!!!
slowly and steadily both the groups shifted their focuses from each other and their biggest enemy on this planet of life became "CHARMIS" ( awwwww...:(((()
They did every possible thing to make me feel inferior from boycotting me to every possible trick their minds could think of!!!
Both the groups got together and became friends and put the whole blame for their rivalry on me without giving any chance of expression  to ME!!! (UNFAIR)
No wonder I felt like Othello ( lonely and sad)....
But, I did not give up. I got good grades continued to be the best and here I am today- successful and happy soul!!!
Now, many people go through similar situations in life but lose their morale and self esteem but the key to remember is " when you are going up the ladder of success the people who are below you will always try to pull you down".
Therefore, Believe in yourself and your capabilities. They are your haters because its hard for them to accept that they are your followers and they want to be like you.
So, next time anybody tries to put you down or is jealous of you give a smile and say thank you  :)
Because they are your real "MOTIVATORS".
So now after 2 years when I think about that incident I laugh at it because the problem which seemed never ending is now a joke to laugh at!
                                          " Nothing is permanent. Neither your sorrows nor your happiness"

So live in the moment. Enjoy every moment and by that I mean "sorrow" as well because if you enjoy only "happiness" then you'll never realise the real value of it.
If you are feeling melancholic enjoy it don't run away from it. Face it without any hesitations' and that's when you will know your real potentials and real character.

Keep your charm on!